How is Jesus Christ “Divine” – Does it Matter?
[T]hey [the early Christian] were accustomed to meet on a fixed day before dawn and sing responsively a hymn to Christ as to a god…” (Pliny the Younger to the Roman Emperor Trajan, c. 112 AD)
The question as to who exactly Jesus of Nazareth was is the most important question a person can ask himself. Whether or not Jesus is divine (i.e., whether or not He is God incarnate) is absolutely essential to Christianity. One cannot be a Catholic and at the same time deny the divinity of Christ. Consider the implications of the issue:
For Discussion: Is Jesus Christ an Historical Person? Can the Divinity of Christ be Proven? Jesus, the Lunatic? Jesus the Liar? the "Guru" argument, Jesus is Lord! the Resurrection of Christ, the "Swwon" theory, the "Conspiracy" theory, the "Hallucination" theory, the "Myth" theory, Christ's Own Claim to Divinity